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For us you are the special ONE.

As soon as you enter the salon you will feel that during the treatment it is all about you. Before anything else happens to your hair, we first take the time to discuss your wishes in dry hair. We believe that taking time for advice is essential. We ask about your hair routine, how you would like it to fall and we think about your dream hair together. We look at what suits you personally and what you need. This way we tailor the treatment to you and you leave satisfied. Our advice does not end in the hair salon, we are happy to tell you how best to do your hair at home and with which products.


For us you are the special ONE


For all our customers we take enough time to get a good cut, at least 45 minutes. We take the time to discuss with you what you want or don't want with your hair. We do this on dry hair, so that we can see how the hair falls. We give advice and show you how we think you and your hair look best. We look at the shape of your face and head and take into account how much time you want to spend on your hair in the morning. All our top stylists are trained to offer the highest technical quality and regularly follow (private) training. For this we also regularly invite (international) trainers to the salon.


We love color! We offer different treatments, but nothing is as personal as color. Of course we offer growth and total colorings, and we also have our specialties.

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